2018 Audubon Photo Contest

Beim Nature Photography Contest des Jahres 2018, ausgerichtet durch die Audubon Community Nature Center, Jamestown, N.Y., erreichten zwei meiner Bilder die Finalrunde.

Der Preisrichter Bill Smith: “There was an incredible talent shown in many of the images which, while making judging hard, also made it enjoyable to study and reflect upon how they might have been created, why the photographer selected the chosen perspective, lens choice and camera settings.” Und weiter: “Good photography is not accidental and there is an art to Nature observation,”

Mein erster Finalist:

066 Style 6 02

“Such a wonderful mixture of realism & abstract in this photo!”


“You have great images that need to be kept at that quality.”

Bill Smith, 2018 Contest Judge

Mein zweiter Finalist:

021 07

“Such a nice photo!”


“Well done!”

Bill Smith, 2018 Contest Judge

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